Monday, February 7, 2011


Soo..last week we had a great DLC/ZLC meeting, and we all bought into the goal of doubling our baptisms this year. At first it was a little hard to beleive that it could be done, but then we remembered who it was that was asking us to double baptisms. A couple of years ago, President Hinckley asked us to double baptisms, and even today President Monson supports that. So if that is coming from Prophets of God, then that means it is a commandment from God to double baptisms and He will always provide a way for us to keep His commandments. So then we had a very revelatory experience as my companion, myself, and our 2 amazing District Leaders discussed how we were going to accomplish this. We talked a lot about how we need to increase in our faith, and how we need to repent, and how we need to be obedient to our covenants..and before we knew it, we were talking about the Doctrine of Christ! So we came up together as a zone to not only teach the Doctrine of Christ, but to apply the Doctrine into our own lives, and then we were going to hold eachother accountable. So ever since then, we've been looking for ways that we can apply the Doctrine of Christ into our own lives. Well..last Monday we got an email from our mission president asking us to destroy all of our copied cds!!! I have to admit..i completely ignored that email at first. I think it wasn't until the next day when my companion and I finally realized that we needed the blessings and miracles that would come from being obedient, more than we needed music. So we destroyed them, and we spent the rest of the week watching for miracles to happen! Well..they did happen! We were able to meet lots of people, and set up some great appointments with people we wanted to set baptismal dates with! We even had members who were bringing friends to church this was amazing! All of that happened randomly and right after we destroyed those cds! We were so excited to see the fruits of our obedience!
Well..all of those things fell through. Every single one of them..for random reasons, too. One of them had to leave town because he had a friend die overseas, one had to go out of town for family, one had a sick child and had to rush him to the hospital, one had to go comfort a friend who gave birth to a still born, another was sick, another got called in for work the morning of church. It was as if they were all destined not to progress. We didn't have anybody at church yesterday, we weren't able to teach anyone that isn't moving soon, and we had to drop the only baptismal date that we had. It was hard. To be quite honest, i was very disappointed and upset. I think I even told God that in my prayers last night. But then in the middle of my prayers, i just reflected back on the week and i was able to see all of the positives and all of the good things that happened, and then I realized that my time is not His. We will be able to double our baptisms, but it's probably not going to be a sprint. I realized that I need patience..haha. But i know everything is going to work out and I can't wait to report to y'all next week and hopefully have some better news! Well, i love/miss y'all and i hope y'all are doing great! Take Care!
Elder Johnson

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